Well if you are going to start a new blog and try to post everyday, don't do it the week before Christmas. Things can get pretty tense this time of year, especially if you have a tendency to do all your shopping in the last two days. I'm glad that is behind us and we can start making plans for the new year. As in which way the farm should grow not which party to attend.
There will a lot of things on the table this year. The farm is looking to expand in many ways. We want to increase our produce for the season. I feel this is the one area we really could make a great improvement in. So this means I must dust off my edition of FOUR SEASON HARVEST by Eliot Coleman and start putting into practice some of his great ideas. For the idea of eating local good food to work, there needs to be a supply of it either fresh, frozen or preserved. Yes we can all make hay when the sun is shining but we also need to save some of that harvest for later. I would rather eat home grown frozen green beans over all other options when it is below zero outside. We are also making plans to put out a larger specialized grain crop to increase our flour selections. Plans are being formed.
I think marketing our products is going to get a good look at. How to expand our customer base without a lot more travel and idle sitting (Farmers' Markets). I'm going to have to enlist the use of others as this is not my area of expertise.
Dad and I walked out into the woods today with a couple chainsaws. We cut out some logs from trees that had blown over last summer. There were three aspen trees that will make good siding on one of the barns and a big red oak that at this point has no specific use. I would like to build a new grain storage barn that is a little more rodent proof. It is a pretty bad feeling when someone leaves the lid open on the feed barrel and half a bag is gone in the morning (@#$%^ing raccoons). The logs are cut out and now need to be pulled out so they can get cut up into boards. Michelle posted last week on her blog that we had gotten the sawmill running for the first time in two years which is really exciting. I'll post some pictures this week.
I'll end here with some catch up on my egg counts.
Wednesday 46 eggs
Thursday 42 eggs
Christmas Eve 43 eggs
Christmas 50 eggs
And today the ladies gave me 73 beautiful eggs
Hope everyone had a happy holiday, ours was pretty nice.
Later Chris
Pesto Salami Tortellini using Family Farms Salami
12 years ago